Jul 23, 2010

1 week!!

♦Sara here! (Shigai)

We've just created this blog for our Korean trip! We all have our own blogs/journals/facebooks/whatelse, but we thought it would be better to concentrate it all in a same place, hence the birth of this thing you're reading now!

I'll write in english since I basically now more foreign people than spanish, but the others, feel free to write in any language you want! And I do hope once the trip starts, you all write often here, and upload pics, and videos, and whatever you feel like.

SOOOOO... in 1 week the first 'round' of our team will leave for the 'Soul of Asia'. I'll go with the 2nd round, next saturday. And the 3rd round will arrive on sunday, our Snow White ♥ From there on, I promise to try to post often!

Hope you enjoy your time here ;P


1 comment:


    Tener cuidado... todo lo que colgeis aqui podra utilizarse en vuestra contra...

