Jul 31, 2010

2nd round in Helsinki!

Photobucket Shigai here : )

After some delay caused by to much traffic, we're finally at Helsinki, resting next to our boarding door, with enough time to enjoy some junk food and chocolates : D It's cold here!!

Nothing really remarkable from the trip, just that I was stepped on a couple of times, and Ichan and I planned which part of some songs we would sing at Noraebang XDDD

I'll update again some time later, when we're at Seoul! Bye~~

I'm the gioconda *nods*

See ya!


  1. Fanny
    Señoras ya habeis llegado a korea o q??? Q tu madre esta preocupada Isa.
    Un beso

  2. Que habéis ido en turnos o que? XD
    Tia ahora mismo te mando un tweet consumista!!

  3. Sara xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD que es eso que tienes en la cabeza?XDDD
