Jul 30, 2010

Let's get ready to rumble!

Photobucket ♦Shigai here!

This is starting, peeps!

Tomorrow at 10am spanish time, the first group will leave Barcelona and head to asian lands~ WUHUUU. I'm sure they're pretty nervous by now : D Let's wish them a nice & safe flight, and let's tell them to UPDATE THIS THING ONCE THEY'RE AT SEOUL. Kthx.

In other news... look at the header, please. Delight yourselves with such an amazing piece of art! YES, it's our gorgeous faces plastered on SNSD's bodies. Because we're the ultimate girl-band (gag-band) ♥.

Since Patri was a lazy ass and didn't send me a picture in time, she gets a Kiwi bird. It has sense, I promise. We call her Kiwi XD

If you want to appreciate such a gorgeous picture more closely, here the link to a bigger version --> Please, enjoy yourselves ;)

So I'm leaving now, I need to do a lot of stuff (everything, actually XD) and I only have tomorrow D:!!

See ya!!



  1. ¿Cómo puedes permitir la vagancia en tu grupo?
    Anuncias que una de vosotras es perezosa, que no quiere ni posar para una foto (algo esencial para una girl-band) y te quedas tal cual. ¿Cómo nos podeis faltar al respeto de esta forma? ¿Y tu te haces llamar la líder? Verguenza os tendría que dar.

    A partir de mañana empezaré una petición de firmas para la destitución de la líder, responsable del comportamiento del resto de integrantes de las Midget.

  2. Me matais.. XD Al final me voy a meter dentro del grupo de antifans montado por Cristina ¿hah?

    Ains, xDD espreo que les vaya bien por Seul :3 que envidia me dan ;__________; <3 pasadlo guay
