Aug 2, 2010

Photobucket Shigai here!

Fanny has arrived safely, so we're finally all the Midgets together!! : D Let's get the party started!

Yesterday was a weird day because of the jet lag and everything, so we didn't do much. It was all cloudy and humid -_-

During the plane trip we had some funny moments, like when Ichan and I were listening to the radio from the plane and went like 'uh? That sounds like Junsu? No can't be, this is Jpop station... but, that now sounds like Yoochun? Eh? Yunho, no... "Toki wo tometeeee~~" OMFG!!' XDDD we're awesome for not recognizing them XDDD. We watched 'How to train a dragon' and I personally fell completely in love with the dragon *___* Cutest thing EVER. I love that movie from now on!!

Of course, we didn't sleep at all. At least, not me =_=

So yesterday we went to Myeongdong by the evening, and I felt quite happy seeing there was a lot of DBSK stuff still around :) I'll be a happy fangirl (I saw a Tvstar magazine with This is it Yunho on it that's going to be mine like pretty soon >XD). We had some Jajangmyon for dinner that was pretty nice, and ended on Bong Bar with our free beer. Nice day for a start!

Today is raining, so we've decided to go to the Coex mall~ Let's see how it goes!

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This is a fan someone of us got somewhere, and we couldn't avoid to laugh at where they decided to put the hole to grab it >XDDD Pure Hyunjoong, he's already been dirtyfied by us!! MWAHAHAA.

Over and out <3


  1. LOL xDDDD que le haceis al pobre Hyunjoong...

    *-* sobre la entrada anterior asd ;_; yo quiero ir al Coffe prince too~ que rulen las fotos >__<
    y que envidia me dais todas ;____; lo que daría yo por estar allí~

  2. aaahh XD so good to hear your arrived safely!! <3
    (and I´m trying hard to fight the jealousy XDDDDD) have some awsome time ..nee??

  3. Ay que marranicas ellas...
    Hoy estoy tan cansada que no tengo fuerzas ni para ser antifan. La verdad es que se necesita mucha energia para ser una buena antifan.

    Anda!!! Pasadlo bien :P
